
L’allenamento per il proprio benessere

Workout for one’s own well-being

Training is defined as that process, present in many areas, which tends to a more or less expressed extent, to the improvement of the respective partial sector of objectives.

“Workout” refers to the process of physiological adaptation to the physical effort of the human body carried out by the athlete in order to improve their sports performance or to intervene, in an organized way, towards sports practice so as to be able to express the best performance in ‘area of ​​a competition and / or for one’s own psychophysical well-being.

The training must take place continuously over time, eliminating excessively long rest periods that create the conditions for “adaptation to inactivity” and therefore loss of the work previously done. Therefore, the frequency of training, even in periods of reductions in work, must be such as to guarantee at least the maintenance of what has been acquired.

The training will be more profitable and more enjoyable when it will include a multiple series of activities and exercises studied in a form and succession such as to avoid the onset of boredom and nervous fatigue, factors that significantly reduce the application capacity and interest of the athlete. The variation of exercises and methods also avoids the formation of barriers or impediments to the further development of motor skills.

Workout aims at a planned and targeted development of the mental and physical abilities of the person.

During workout people train their speed, strength, endurance, joint mobility, as well as coordination skills, balance, ability to differentiate, orientation, anticipation, adaptability, reaction and sense of rhythm.

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